D. R. Reynolds Company met with Bethlehem VFD while completing other projects in Cleveland County; Oak Grove VFD, and Shelby Rescue. Chief Echols had a need for a new fire station that could house his members for the next 50 years. Bethlehem Volunteer Fire Department hired D. R. Reynolds to build a unique training-friendly department that would serve not only the needs of today, but the needs of future generations.

Bethlehem VFD is on a multi-acre site that houses 10 doors for multiple apparatuses, has a 50-person training room, large eat-in residential kitchen, day room, full-view glass doors and an eye-catching bell tower in the very front of the building. The design and space requirements for the department were fully met with all necessary offices and a private conference room for board meetings. Also, storage, which is always a business must-have, was provided in a mezzanine area located in the low-cost truck bay area. Construction only lasted 8 months for this full rock and brick building and was 1 of 4 fire departments constructed at the same time in the year 2016 by D. R. Reynolds Company.

  • Completed in 2016
  • 14,200 Total Square Feet
  • 8,480 Square Feet Bays
  • 4,923 Square Feet Office Space
  • 80’-0” Deep Bays