Aside from serving as headquarters for the local fire department, the Cool Springs Volunteer Fire Department also serves as the local emergency medical services (EMS) and police departments’ administrative offices. Several distinguishing and ecologically beneficial features are included, such as fullheight block and brick construction with R-19-insulated metal stud walls and roof drains to prevent the soil from eroding.

Due to the presence of fire department-owned land, the building’s shape was compromised, causing the use of bar joists to support the weight and span the width of the structure. They’re hidden away in the office, but they’re clearly apparent at the truck loading areas. It was important to the team that the office space included a commercial-sized kitchen, ten bedrooms, an exercise room, a dayroom with riser seating, offices for all fire department ranking officers, a locker room for ample storage of personal equipment, and an oversized training room that will be used for public events.

  • Completed in 2017
  • 22,000 Total Square Feet
  • 9,500 Square Feet Bays
  • 10,000 Square Feet Office Space
  • 80’-0” Deep Bays